Client Payment: Direct Bill Cash Transmittal (Non Deposited)

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This procedure outlines how to record a client payment on a direct bill policy that will not be deposited into the agency's bank account.

For direct bill payments that will be processed through the agency's bank account, see Client Payment: Direct Bill Cash Transmittal.

For a complete list of client payment options, see Client Payments.

Create a Direct Bill Cash Transmittal (Non Deposited)

Example: The agency mails the client's $200.00 check directly to the carrier, but the agency wants to record the activity and provide the client with a printed receipt.

  1. Load the client on one of the Client Tabs.
  2. Right-Click on the policy number and select Client Payment.
  3. Enter the client payment Check Number.
  4. Enter the payment Amount.
  5. Verify Cash Type -> Transmittal is selected. (The Cash Type will default to Transmittal for Direct Bill invoices.)
  6. Uncheck To be deposited.
  7. Select OK to save the payment. (If prompted with "You cannot apply a deleted or non-deposited transmittal cash.", select OK.)
  8. Answer Yes/No to print the cash receipt. (If no is selected, the cash receipt can be reprinted at any time.)