Invoice: Adjust Producer Payable Commission for Expenses or Deductions

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The procedure details the transactions required to adjust the Producer Payable (GL-2120) on either agency bill or direct bill invoices for non-invoiced reasons, such as cell phone expenses or health insurance premiums.

This process should only be used for one-time expenses, if the producer does not receive a recurring payroll check.

See: Producer Payables: Include Producer Commission in Payroll Check for recurring payroll entry including commission.

Find an Invoice for the Adjustment

  1. Select Producer -> Reconcile Producer Payables.
  2. Enter the Producer's Code.
  3. Enter the desired Start Date and End Date for the invoices to be paid. Select OK.
  4. Write down any one of the listed invoice numbers which will be paid.
  5. Select the Red X to exit without saving or performing the reconciliation.

Adjust the Invoice

  1. Select Accounting -> Policy and Billing.
  2. Select Invoice -> Find Invoice.
  3. Enter the invoice number from above. Select Ok.
  4. Double-Click the first invoice line.
  5. Select Adjust.
  6. Adjustment Details:
    • Select Producer.
    • Enter the Amount, and the Offset G/L. (To decrease the amount, enter as a debit. To increase the amount, enter as a credit (-).)
    • Select Accept.
  7. Select Finish then Exit to close Policy & Billing.

Return to Reconcile Producer Payables and the amount due will now reflect the adjusted amount.