Client: User Code, Territory, and Source of Business Profile

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Ic description black 24dp.png Newton User Guide: Client
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User codes can be saved to a Client Profile. They are visible on the Client Tab, User Dashboard Tab, and can be used as a filter for the Client Query Wizard.

User Codes refer to five independent entry fields, each with their own list of available profiles:

  • User Code 1
  • User Code 2
  • User Code 3
  • Source of Business
  • Territory

Before You Begin

Access to view the User Code Profile requires the current operator to have Security System: Profiles -> Client -> View access.

Ic info black 24dp.png See: Security System for more information.

User Codes are assigned to a client on the Client Profile Details Tab.


Create a User Code

Before creating a new user code, first verify a similar code does not already exist. Select Print List to preview a report of all existing user codes. The name assigned to a user code can be modified, without creating a new user code profile.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Setup -> Other -> User Codes. (Optionally select Edit Codes from within the Client Profile.)
  2. Select the desired type of code; User Code 1, User Code 2, User Code 3, Territory, or Source of Business.
  3. Select Create New.
  4. Enter the desired two or three digit number. Capital letters and numbers are both available. (Examples: WI, MC, B01)
  5. Enter the Description for the code. This name will appear in drop-down selection lists when entering data, or running reports.
  6. Select Save. (Requires Security System: Profiles -> Client -> Entry access.)
  7. Select Exit.

A User Code saved as type "User Code 1" will not display as an option for "User Code 2" or User Code 3". Each of the user codes are a unique list of profiles.

Edit a User Code

  1. From the Main Menu, select Setup -> Other -> User Codes. (Optionally select Edit Codes from within the Client Profile.)
  2. Select the desired type of code; User Code 1, User Code 2, User Code 3, Territory, or Source of Business.
  3. Enter the desired code and press <TAB>. (Optionally use the navigation buttons to cycle through the existing codes.)
  4. Modify the Description.
  5. Select Save. (Requires Security System: Profiles -> Client -> Edit access.)
  6. Select Exit.

Delete a User Code

Deleting a user code should not be done if the code has ever been used on a client. The Client Query Wizard can produce a list of clients with a specific code.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Setup -> Other -> User Codes. (Optionally select Edit Codes from within the Client Profile.)
  2. Select the desired type of code; User Code 1, User Code 2, User Code 3, Territory, or Source of Business.
  3. Enter the desired code and press <TAB>. (Optionally use the navigation buttons to cycle through the existing codes.)
  4. Select Delete. (Requires Security System: Profiles -> Client -> Global access.)
  5. Confirm Yes.
  6. Select Exit.

User Code, Territory, and Source of Business Profile Screen

Select Setup -> Other -> User Codes. (Requires Security System: Profiles -> Client -> View)


User Code, Territory, and Source of Business Profile Toolbar
  • First: - Skip to the first code.
  • Previous: - Skip to the previous code.
  • Next: - Skip to the next code.
  • Last: - Skip to the last code.
  • Create New: - Create a new code.
  • Print List: - Print a list of code profiles.
  • Delete: - Delete code profile.
  • Wiki: - Wiki Help Documentation.
  • Save: - Save the current profile item. (ALT + S)
  • Exit: - Exit the profile windows. (ALT + X)