Apply Client Cash Balance to an Invoice

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The process below is used when an existing client cash transaction has an unapplied on-account amount, and the amount should be applied in full or in part to an invoice, or a series of invoices.

Apply Client Cash Balance to an Invoice

  1. Load a client on one of the client tabs.
  2. Select the Accounting tab to view the client's current balance. (GL 1120 - Client Receivables)
  3. Double-Click to expand the invoice details, then left-click on any invoice line to open Policy & Billing.
    (If more than one invoice is listed, see Apply Client Cash Balance to Multiple Invoices.)
  4. Select Invoice -> Payment -> Apply Client On-Account Cash.
  5. Select the Cash # by selecting the box, and select Apply.
  6. Select Exit to close Policy & Billing.

Apply Client Cash Balance to Multiple Invoices

  1. Load a client on one of the client tabs.
  2. Select the Accounting tab to view the client's current balance. (GL 1120 - Client Receivables)
  3. Verify the account balance shows multiple outstanding Agency Bill invoices, and an on-account cash receipt balance.
    (If only one invoice is listed, see Apply Client Cash Balance to an Invoice.)
  4. Right-Click on the cash receipt with a current balance and select Reconcile With Cash 000000. (If the option is not listed, Click Here for legacy instructions.)
  5. Right-Click and select Pay All In Full to pay all listed invoices. (To pay individual invoices, Right-Click on each invoice and select Pay This Invoice In Full.)
    See Reconcile Client Receivables for additional options and instructions.
  6. Select Perform Reconciliation to apply the payment to each invoice.
  7. Select Ok.