IBQ Rating Integration

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Ic info black 24dp.png Required Software Version: November 2014
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The IBQ comparative rating integration is based on standard .AL3 download files.


In order to export files from Newton -> IBQ, your agency must be be downloading policies from your carriers.


Configure Newton Export to IBQ

  1. Select Setup -> Upload Configuration. (If unavailable, contact Agency Systems Support to enable the upload configuration options.)
  2. Select New.
  3. Select Upload to IBQ.
  4. Leave all defaults. Select Ok

Configure IBQ Export to Newton

  1. Open IBQ.
  2. Select Supervisor.
  3. Select Agency Management Integration.
  4. Select your Agency.
  5. Select the Search Icon and choose NEWTON.
  6. Change the drive letter for the Export path and program string if the default is different than your current configuration.


Export a File from Newton -> IBQ

Only policies previously downloaded from insurance carriers can be exported from Newton to IBQ.

  1. Configure Newton Export to IBQ.
  2. Load a client on one of the client tabs.
  3. Select the Download tab.
  4. Left-Click the (+) band to expand the desired policy number.
  5. Right-Click on the bottom or most-recent downloaded transaction and select Upload to IBQ.
  6. The IBQ software will automatically start the import process.

Export a File from IBQ -> Newton

Contact IBQ for additional assistance http://www.ibqsystems.com

  1. Configure IBQ Export to Newton.
  2. Complete a quote in IBQ and select the Export option on the left-hand side.
  3. Newton will briefly show this window, then vanish in a few seconds; it requires no user interaction.
  4. The quote can now be imported through the normal daily download process from any machine in the office by selecting Company -> Download. If the download management system was already open, the import process starts automatically.
  5. Select to either use an existing client, or create a new client.
  6. The system will automatically assign a unique policy/quote number. Optionally a number can be manually assigned.
  7. Enter the Company Code for the policy. Select Ok.
  8. The file has now been processed.