Report: Client Query Wizard

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The Client Query Wizard offers a host of user-defined filters to find a list of clients which meet either a broad or narrow set of criteria. The list of clients can be based solely on client profile details such as address, client type, or birthday, or can also include powerful policy filters such as type of business, or policy effective/expiration dates.

Any of the five report options can output to a number of printable reports including mailing labels, a spreadsheet file for use in Microsoft Excel, or output directly to a Memowriter document for mass mailing.

Access and Window Options

The Client Query Wizard can be opened by selecting Marketing -> Query Wizard.

Access to the Client Query Wizard is controlled through the security system Marketing -> Client Query -> View setting.


General client query

Clients with a policy

Policy effective/expiration date range

Clients with one line but not another

Clients with policies of one class but not another

Report Types

For step-by-step instructions running specific queries, see the report examples section below.

Filter by Client Details

Each of the client query wizard report options, including the queries which include policy filters, allow the operator to add the additional client filters below.

General client query

The general client query will output a list of clients who meet the selected criteria. To include policy criteria in the query, use one of the other report options.

Select Marketing -> Query Wizards -> General Client Query.

To limit the list of client by number, enter a started and ending client number.


Select Additional Filters.

Add any desired filters for client alpha, client producer, client sub-producer, client CSR, client type or client/prospect status.


Select the Contact Age/Birthday tab to add filters for clients who have contacts with a certain birthday, or that are a certain age.


Select the User Codes tab to include or exclude clients with specific user code tags.


Select the Address tab to add a filter by mailing or physical client address.


Select Ok then Next.

Select the sort method and output format.

Filter by Policy Details

There are four client queries will which include policy detail filters. Each of the queries will output a list of clients who meet the selected criteria.

After selecting the policy detail filters, the option to add additional client-level filters will be available.

Clients with a policy

Policy effective/expiration date range

Clients with one line but not another

Clients with policies of one class but not another

Output Format

The sort order and output format options are the same for each of the client query wizards.

After selecting the options for the desired query, the sort options are displayed. (If the query result output will be a spreadsheet, the sort method does not apply.)


Select Next to select the desired output method.



The summary output format provides a printable report that can be exported as a .PDF file The report includes a single result per client sorted in the selected order.

For each client, the following values are included: Client Number, Client Name, Phone Number, Secondary Phone Number, Producer code, and CSR code.


The detail output format provides a printable report that can be exported as a .PDF file. The report includes a single result per client sorted in the selected order.

For each client, the following values are included: Client Number, Client Name, Phone Number, Secondary Phone Number, Producer code, CSR code, Street Address, User Codes, and a Contact Name.


If a policy detail filter is used, the policy number and policy company code are also included.

The contact name will either be the initial contact, or the first contact/driver when the Birthday filter is used.

Mailing Labels

The mailing label output format provides a printable report that can be exported as a .PDF file. The report includes a single result per client sorted in the selected order. (The mailing labels will display in the Avery Standard 5160 format with 10 rows and 3 columns).

For each client, the following values are included: Client Name and Street Address. (The name and address will be replaced with the first contact/driver when the Birthday filter is used).

Multiple labels can be created per result if the option is selected.


Form Letter

The Form Letter output provides a mechanism to output the list of clients directly to a form letter template created with Memowriter for mass mailing.

During the process, the client information is merged into the letter based on the user-defined merge codes. If the form letter includes policy detail merge codes, one of the four policy detail client queries should be used.

The Client Query Wizard will prompt the user to select the form letter.


After the letter is selected, the system will automatically merge and save a copy of the form letter to each matching client, and output the form letter to the printer.

AL3 Setup

The AL3 setup output format exports a custom file for legacy rating vendors.

Folder Labels

The folder labels output format provides a printable report that can be exported as a .PDF file. The report includes a single result per client sorted in the selected order. (The folder labels will display in the Avery Standard 5160 format with 10 rows and 3 columns.)

For each client, the following values are included: Client Number, Producer Code, Phone Number, Client Name and Street Address.

Multiple labels can be created per result if the option is selected.


Comma Separated File (CSV) Spreadsheet

The CSV output format will export a file which can be opened with Microsoft Excel, or other third-party spreadsheet applications. The output contains client name, client address, contact name, contact address, email addresses and much more.

Example output file converted to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.

The CSV output normally includes every contact saved to the clients who match the query filters. If a policy detail filter is used, the matching policy number will also be included.

If a contact or driver birthday filter is used, the CSV output will only include the clients/drivers with a matching date, not all contacts for the client.

Report Examples

Export All Active Client Email Addresses Excluding Prospects